Prink - Rinlada Saatluan


Place The Mighty Oak Tree Foundation

Age 9

Full Name Rinlada Saatluan

Nickname Prink

Gender Female

Country Thailand

Year of Admission 2023

Education Level Primary School

Grade 3rd

GPA 3.18

Name of Center Fang

Student Story Prink is currently living with her mother and step-father. Her birth father passed away due to a stroke and the mother remarried. Her mother works at a school supply shop where she makes $12 USD per day. At school Prink enjoys studying Math as she says its easy for her. When she gets older she said she would like to be a athlete, maybe a professional runner. In her free time she enjoys drawing. Prink is hoping to get a scholarship through the MOT foundation so that she may lift a financial burden off of her family and also be enabled to study far in her education.