375 Lay - Chanwith Piadang

Place The Mighty Oak Tree Foundation

Age 13

Full Name Chanwith Piadang

MOT Number 375

Nickname Lay

Gender Male

Country Thailand

Year of Admission 2022

Education Level Primary School

Grade 6th

GPA 3.0

Name of Center Theon

Student Story Lay lives with his grandparents and twin sisters. Both parents had abandoned Lay and his twin sisters when they were younger. Lay and his sisters are currently living with the grandparents as both of their parents have started new families and are not supporting Lay or his sisters at this point in time. Lay is currently staying at a local church where he is being taken care of by the pastor and his wife. Due to financial issues with the grandparents they asked for Lay to stay with the pastor & his wife but are still taking care of Lay’s twin sisters. At school Lay likes to study Math and play football (soccer) with his friends. When he gets older he wants to be a “gamer”.